HARPA AI is a versatile Chrome extension designed to revolutionize web automation.

HARPA AI: Productivity and the AI-Powered Chrome Extension

Are you tired of spending hours on repetitive web tasks? Do you wish there was a way to automate content creation and data extraction, saving you valuable time and effort? Look no further than HARPA AI, the game-changing Chrome extension that integrates ChatGPT, an AI-powered assistant, into your browsing experience. With HARPA, you can unleash the power of AI to automate web processes, generate text content, monitor web pages, track prices, and much more.

HARPA AI can easily become your go-to automation assistant
Meet your new go-to automation assistant.

Empowering Professionals with HARPA AI Automation

HARPA is a versatile Chrome extension designed to revolutionize web automation. Whether you’re a marketer, copywriter, SEO specialist, HR professional, or product developer, HARPA AI has got you covered. It seamlessly integrates ChatGPT into Google Search, allowing you to automate websites, generate text content, and supercharge your productivity.

AI-Assisted Search: Enhancing Your Browsing Experience

Can you imagine having an expert at your disposal while conducting online research? HARPA makes it possible by showing AI-generated responses alongside your Google Search results. With just a few clicks, you can extract and summarize web pages, chat with AI, and gain valuable insights without leaving your search engine.

Intelligent Price Tracking: Never Miss a Deal

Keeping track of product prices and discounts can be a daunting task. HARPA AI simplifies the process by monitoring popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon, AliExpress, Walmart, and eBay. It alerts you when a product goes on sale or its price drops, allowing you to make informed purchasing decisions and save money.

HARPA AI seamlessly integrates with ChatGPT
Seamlessly integrate with ChatGPT.

Page-Aware GPT Prompts: Tailored Assistance for Every Profession

HARPA AI understands the unique needs of various industries. With over 100 page-aware commands, it provides tailored assistance for marketing, SEO, copywriting, HR, engineering, and more. From generating blog outlines and articles to segmenting your audience and researching SEO keywords, HARPA empowers professionals across diverse fields.

Competitor Monitoring: HARPA AI Helps You Stay Ahead of the Game

To succeed in today’s competitive landscape, staying updated on your competitors’ activities is crucial. HARPA enables you to monitor your competitor websites for changes, ensuring you never miss an important update. Additionally, it allows you to convert websites to APIs and trigger IFTTT (If This Then That) actions using Make.com, giving you a competitive edge.

AI Writer: Elevate Your Content Creation

Writing compelling and engaging content can be challenging. HARPA transforms the way you write by offering AI assistance on any website. From crafting Twitter and LinkedIn replies to composing emails and SEO-optimized articles, HARPA acts as your intelligent writing companion, helping you generate high-quality content effortlessly.

HARPA AI can extract information from YouTube content for quick summary
Extract information from YouTube content for quick summary.

YouTube Video Summarization: Unlock Key Insights

We all know the struggle of finding time to watch lengthy YouTube videos. HARPA AI comes to the rescue by extracting key takeaways from hours-long videos using generative AI. With this feature, you can quickly grasp the essential information without investing substantial time, making learning and research more efficient than ever.

Privacy by Design: Your Data, Your Control

Privacy is a paramount concern in today’s digital age. HARPA respects your privacy by running locally in your browser and ensuring that your data stays within your control. It does not store website data on remote servers, show ads, or sell your data. Requests made to ChatGPT are securely processed by OpenAI servers and not stored on HARPA’s servers, providing you with peace of mind.

Hear from the users!

Testimonials: Professionals Praise HARPA AI

Don’t just take our word for it—see what professionals have to say:

“Very nice to have what feels like a well-spoken expert in just about all topics to add on to what I search for and give me the answer and explanation I was looking for.” – Sanna K, Heavy Lift News

“HARPA has been the real game-changer for my productivity! I love it because it reliably automates content creation for me. Very impressive!” – Jason H, Zalando

“We run HARPA monitors to efficiently keep track of updates on our suppliers’ websites. It works flawlessly and saves us a ton of time.” – Asim A, WISE

Join the rapidly growing community of 100,000+ professionals who have embraced HARPA AI and experienced the transformation in their web browsing and automation workflows.
HARPA AI is a ChatGPT Assistant for all of the above.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HARPA AI?

HARPA AI is a customizable Chrome extension and AI-powered ChatGPT Assistant that automates tasks on the web, saving you time and money. It provides AI answers to search queries, summarizes web pages, extracts data, tracks prices and stock availability, monitors articles and competitor sites, and more. HARPA AI utilizes a hybrid AI engine built on top of ChatGPT and its own Machine Learning capabilities.

How does HARPA work?

Once installed as a Chrome extension, HARPA AI turns web pages into text using Machine Learning and runs them through ChatGPT to provide answers to your questions. Web and price monitoring tasks run in the background on your machine, independent of the ChatGPT system.

Is HARPA AI safe?

Yes, HARPA AI prioritizes your privacy and data security. It does not store website data on remote servers, show ads, or sell your data. Requests made to ChatGPT are securely sent to OpenAI servers for processing and not stored on HARPA’s servers.

Is HARPA CPU-intensive?

HARPA AI is optimized for speed and performance and does not load your CPU when it has no tasks to run. You can adjust the number of automations running simultaneously in the HARPA app settings.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It is trained to generate human-like text based on prompts or contexts, making it suitable for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including language translation, question answering, and text generation.

Do I need a ChatGPT account?

A ChatGPT account is required for performing search answer synthesis, content generalization, and generation tasks. You can create a free account at chat.openai.com. Optional paid plans are being developed to provide access to ChatGPT queries without the need for an account with OpenAI. However, a ChatGPT account is not necessary for web monitoring and automation tasks.

Who is behind HARPA?

HARPA AI TECHNOLOGIES LLC, a team of IT engineers from Finland, is responsible for designing and building HARPA AI. Their expertise lies in creating high-quality software systems and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions.

What search engines does HARPA support?

HARPA currently supports a wide range of search engines, including Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Yahoo, Naver, Yandex, Kagi, and Searx. Regardless of your preferred search engine, HARPA AI is here to enhance your browsing experience and automate your web tasks.

How much does HARPA AI cost?

Currently, HARPA AI is available for free. The dedicated team behind HARPA AI is committed to continuously improving the product and adding more features before considering optional paid plans. This ensures that you can enjoy the optimal benefits of HARPA AI without any financial burden.

The good, the bad, and the “you still need to try this.”

Pros & Cons of Using HARPA AI

At its core, HARPA AI utilizes state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and natural language processing models to analyze vast amounts of data and extract meaningful insights. By training on a diverse range of text sources, HARPA can understand and mimic human-like language patterns, enabling it to generate content that is coherent, engaging, and tailored to specific requirements.

The key to HARPA’s content generation lies in its ability to learn from a vast corpus of text data and apply that knowledge in a creative and adaptive manner. Through the utilization of deep learning techniques, HARPA can identify patterns, context, and semantic relationships within the data it has been trained on. This allows the tool to generate content that not only meets the desired criteria but also exhibits a level of fluency and coherence that is characteristic of human-authored text.


  1. Increased Productivity: HARPA automates repetitive web tasks, saving you valuable time and allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your work.
  2. AI-Assisted Search: With HARPA, you have an expert at your disposal during online research. It provides AI-generated responses alongside Google Search results, offering valuable insights and saving you time.
  3. Intelligent Price Tracking: HARPA monitors product prices and alerts you when a product goes on sale or its price drops. This feature helps you make informed purchasing decisions and potentially save money.
  4. Tailored Assistance for Different Professions: HARPA offers over 100 page-aware commands for various industries, such as marketing, SEO, copywriting, HR, and engineering. It provides customized assistance to meet the unique needs of professionals in different fields.
  5. Competitor Monitoring: Stay ahead of the competition by using HARPA to monitor competitor websites for changes. It allows you to detect updates and adapt your strategies accordingly.

These pros and cons provide an overview of the benefits and considerations of using HARPA AI. It’s important to evaluate how well HARPA aligns with your specific needs and workflow before incorporating it into your web automation processes.

It’s important to note that while HARPA excels in generating high-quality content, it also has certain limitations. As an AI-driven tool, it operates based on the patterns and data it has been trained on, which means it may not always capture the nuances and intricacies of highly specialized or domain-specific subjects. Additionally, while HARPA can generate text that is contextually relevant and coherent, it may still require human review and editing to ensure accuracy and adherence to specific guidelines or requirements.


  1. Dependency on AI: While HARPA is a powerful tool, it relies on AI algorithms to perform its tasks. In rare cases, there may be instances where the generated content or responses may not meet your specific requirements.
  2. Learning Curve: Getting acquainted with the features and functionality may require a learning curve, especially for users who are new to AI-powered automation tools.
  3. Limited Availability: While HARPA currently supports multiple search engines, it may not be available on all platforms or browsers. Users should ensure compatibility before integrating HARPA AI into their browsing experience.
  4. Resource Consumption: HARPA may consume system resources, particularly when running multiple automations simultaneously. Users should be mindful of their system’s capabilities to ensure smooth performance.
  5. Privacy Considerations: While HARPA emphasizes privacy by running locally in the browser and not storing website data on remote servers, it is essential to review and understand the privacy policy to ensure compliance with your data protection requirements.
Hands-down, this is a valuable tool to help you increase your productivity.

Closing Thoughts on HARPA AI

By understanding the underlying technology behind HARPA and its reliance on AI algorithms and models, users can gain a clearer picture of the tool’s capabilities and limitations. This knowledge empowers users to leverage HARPA AI effectively and make informed decisions when utilizing its content generation capabilities.

Remember, HARPA AI is a powerful tool that augments the content creation process, but it should be seen as a collaborator rather than a replacement for human creativity and expertise. It’s an assistant. By combining the strengths of AI technology with human ingenuity, users can unlock a world of possibilities and produce truly exceptional content.

Get Started with HARPA AI Today!

Ready to unlock the full potential of web automation? Adding HARPA to your Chrome browser is simple—just click the “Add to Chrome” button and start harnessing the power of AI for your web tasks. HARPA AI is currently free to use, with a dedicated team constantly improving its features and performance.

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