Exploring the Potential of BlueWillow: A Free AI Image Generator 

Did you know that two people can use the exact same AI prompt and not get the same result? Or even the same result twice? #Randomness.

The same can be said for the same prompt between two different generators. 

While we obviously lean toward Midjourney for our images here on Pink Horn, myself included, I have decided to branch out a little and sample more of what’s out there. (Check out my Midjourney vs Leonardo.ai comparison. The results might actually surprise you.)

Today, I’d like to take a look at BlueWillow. Is it just as powerful as Midjourney? That probably depends on what you’re using it for and what kind of results you’re after.

Let’s check it out.

What is BlueWillow?

BlueWillow, established in January 2023, is a pioneering platform dedicated to delivering top-notch AI-generated images to its users. The core belief at BlueWillowAI is that creativity knows no bounds, and their mission is to foster a community where individuals can tap into their artistic potential with the aid of artificial intelligence.

The driving force behind BlueWillow is the desire to make the multitude of high-quality AI models accessible to everyone. Recognizing that no single AI model can be universally perfect for all applications, the BlueWillow team embarked on a mission to create a comprehensive solution. They achieved this by aggregating multiple AI models, allowing users access to the full potential of AI technology.

In essence, BlueWillow can be likened to a “Google Flights” for AI models, helping users find the ideal model that aligns with their creative objectives. What sets BlueWillow apart from other AI text-to-image generators is its role as an aggregator, drawing on a diverse range of AI models, including the likes of Stable Diffusion.

One of the standout features of BlueWillow is its rigorous testing and utilization of diffusion models, particularly Stable Diffusion. The platform’s supermodel dynamically selects the most suitable AI model based on the user’s input, ensuring optimal results for each creative endeavor.

Notably, BlueWillow places a strong emphasis on democratizing AI technology. While their AI is continuously developed and enhanced by teams of experts, it’s important to clarify that BlueWillow’s system is not autonomous. Instead, it relies on the collaborative efforts of these expert teams, which include user feedback and reviews, to drive advancements and refinements.

BlueWillow employs publicly available models and adheres to ethical practices, firmly believing that it serves as a valuable tool for both professional and amateur artists to unleash their creativity and produce a diverse array of remarkable art and images.

beautiful woman with long lime green hair and intense eyes done in a plastered painting style –ar 3:2

LimeWire (Yes, That One) Acquires BlueWillow

That’s right, LimeWire. If you were a teenager in the early 2000s, chances are you know exactly what I’m talking about. They’re back, not as a file sharing service, but now an AI Studio. If that’s not the most timely glow-up…

LimeWire recently (September, 2023) announced its acquisition of BlueWillow, a move in LimeWire’s reinvention of its brand and services to the AI world. More on that over here. Since BlueWillow has earned its stripes as one of the foremost AI image generation platforms, and its vibrant community of passionate creators and innovators has made it a force to be reckoned with, (in 2023 alone, this community generated 500 million images, a testament to the platform’s influence and reach), this paves the way for LimeWire to position itself as a competitive AI platform.

What makes BlueWillow truly stand out is its exclusive AI model, which is now set to elevate LimeWire’s AI Studio to new heights. LimeWire’s user-friendly AI Studio and cutting-edge Web3 capabilities will empower BlueWillow’s community like never before. Not only will users gain access to a diverse set of AI models, but they will also have the opportunity to share and monetize their content all within a single platform, including ad-revenue sharing in $LMWR.

LimeWire’s acquisition of BlueWillow marks a significant leap forward in its mission to become the go-to platform for content creators of all kinds. The company is steadfast in its commitment to providing creators with the tools they need to bring their visions to life. The immediate future holds exciting developments, as LimeWire is already hard at work on version 5 of BlueWillow, designed to deliver an even more exceptional user experience.

By the end of 2023, LimeWire AI Studio will expand its capabilities to include music and video generation, making it a one-stop solution for creators across various content types. This bold vision positions LimeWire as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of digital content creation.

LimeWire Acquisition & What it Means for BlueWillow

Benefits for Paid Subscribers As a Sapphire, Blue Angel or Willower user, simply go to LimeWire AI Studio, register with your Discord and you will not only get the same amount of Credits but also access to additional AI tools in the LimeWire AI studio.

LimeWire Creator Studio & v4 Free Access BlueWillow v3 and v4 are both available to try for free within LimeWire’s AI Studio. You heard right, v4 is available for free with 10 free prompts per day. Simply go to LimeWire, and register with your Discord account.

Benefits of the LimeWire AI Studio Using BlueWillow in the LimeWire AI studio not only unlocks new model settings, incl. negative prompts, prompt guidance and quality settings but also grants you access to additional models, like Stable Diffusion XL and DALL-E 2.

BlueWillow v5, Music and Video AI LimeWire’s R&D team will continue improving BlueWillow, with v5 already in development. Additionally, the platform will release AI models for music and video creation later this year.

What will change for Free Users? You can still type in your prompt in the Rookie channels. However, to get your result, you will have to click on the link to the LimeWire AI Studio. The results are still free with up to 10 Credits per day.

What will change for Paid BlueWillow Subscribers? NOTHING! Sapphire, Blue Angel, or Willower users will still be able to use the Rookie and Premium channels to generate images as before. Additional benefit: You can get 2x the amount of prompts when joining the LimeWire AI Studio. All you need to do is create an account on LimeWire AI Studio, use Discord as a signup option, and you will not only get your monthly prompts on Discord but on top of that also the equivalent amount of credits in the LimeWire AI Studio. You can subscribe to BlueWillow today and benefit from 2x the amount of prompts, simply type “/subscribe” in one of the Rookie channels and select a plan.

Why are they making this change? Generating free images on Discord has become very cost intensive. It is our aim to maintain a free plan for BlueWillow and to keep this promise, but we need to migrate to a more cost effective infrastructure.

What are the benefits of joining the LimeWire AI Studio? LimeWire AI Studio is the only place for Free Users to get access to v4. Additionally, we have made many improvements to the AI Studio in the past weeks, incl. upscaling, outpainting, aspect ratios, and the remix function. The AI Studio now offers more options than the BlueWillow Discord and we are fully committed to continue improving the LimeWire platform to cater your creative needs.

— BlueWillow Discord Server Announcements

Joining BlueWillow

You can join BlueWillow directly from its website by joining the Discord server or tapping the green “Try now for free” button, which will take you to the brand new LimeWire AI Studio.

Using BlueWillow

For the purpose of this introduction and image generation test, I will be generating prompts directly in BlueWillow’s Discord Server. I’m doing this because I feel like LimeWire AI Studio could be an entire blog article unto itself. It is useful to note, however, that should you want to use features like Upscale and Outpaint, you’ll be able to do them from the AI Studio.

And because I’ve recently been swept back into the world of Night City with the release of Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion, I decided to run with the theme.

cinematic photography of a high tech cyberpunk city lit by larger than life neon billboards and moving advertisements, futuristic cars and an overall dystopian vibe and hazy lighting --ar 3:2
cinematic photography of a cat walking the rooftops of a cyberpunk city, lit by neon billboards, high gloss reflections, wide angle --ar 3:2
cinematic photography of an intense gunfight taking place at a busy intersection of a cyberpunk city, brightly lit, over-the-top action, futuristic cars, edgy clothing --ar 3:2

BlueWillow is definitely nailing the overall look and feel of a dystopian city. I like the overall cinematic look, and colors used in all three images. It’s definitely got a more illustrative look despite the prompts calling for photographic, but given the scenes and subject matter, I think they work.

portrait photography of a beautiful young woman walking through a busy cyberpunk city street, she has pink hair and an intense determined look in her eyes, futuristic clothing, brightly lit --ar 3:2
portrait photography of beautiful woman with long pink hair sitting on a park bench during halloween season --ar 3:2

When it comes to photographic quality and photo realism, however, I’m not sold just yet. I know–having Midjourney as a comparison when it comes to lifelike portraits is unfair. But when looking at the quality of the image generations, I’d be remiss not to mention it. However, BlueWillow does continue to have a free-use tier which makes it much more accessible to casual users who don’t want or need that monthly expense. And it’s not like the images are bad, I’m merely a tough judge.

beautiful woman with long pink hair and intense eyes done in a plastered painting style --ar 3:2
digital illustration of haunted house, autumn foliage, eerie fog, spooky vibe, Halloween --ar 3:2
fantasy painting of spooky garden, black roses, thick vines, shrowded in mist with a looming castle in the background --ar 3:2

Where BlueWillow does a pretty good job is in illustrations, paintings and digital art. And also–interiors.

interior photography of high-tech bedroom of a cyberpunk city apartment, neon lighting, white furniture, high sheen metal --ar 3:2
interior photography of high-tech kitchen of a cyberpunk city apartment, neon lighting, white furniture, high sheen metal --ar 3:2

Both of these are gorgeous, and despite being two separate prompts, BlueWillow maintained a cohesive look so that I can believe they do belong to the same apartment. I’m impressed.


In June 2023, BlueWillow has upgraded to V4 and launched a pay-what-you-can subscription model. By joining BlueWillow through Discord, subscribers can still utilize this PWYC model, as well as BlueWillow’s own membership levels by typing /subscribe in the server.

BlueWillow Subscriptions:

  • FREE Tier: The basic offering remains accessible to everyone. Generate up to 10 prompts per day, supported by ads, with a queue limit of 5 simultaneous requests.
  • Willower: $5/month allows you to generate up to 50 prompts per day with a queue limit of 5 simultaneous requests. ‍
  • Blue Angel: $10/month now allows members to generate up to 100 prompts per day with a queue limit of 10 simultaneous requests. In addition to the benefits of the Willower tier, you will also gain access to live event chats, premium generation channels, and our VIP contest/newsletter.
  • Sapphire: $20/month grants you up to 200 prompts per day, a queue limit of 10 simultaneous requests, and includes all the perks of the Blue Angel tier.

As of September 20, 2023, BlueWillow is now also operating directly through LimeWire’s AI Studio. If you’re looking to utilize BlueWillow, I’d recommend joining through their Discord server first, and then signing up for LimeWire using the Discord integration. As an added benefit of joining LimeWire as an BlueWillow subscriber is that you will receive double the amount of credits. That’s a win in my book!

New users joining LimeWire’s AI Studio directly can use the service for free and generate up to 20 images per day. Paid membership levels break out as follows:

Closing Thoughts

If you’re looking to get into AI image generation and don’t quite know where to start, give BlueWillow a shot. The free membership won’t get you too far on a per-day basis, but for casual promptographers, it will fit the bill.

In terms of its competitors, I think Leonardo.ai’s basic features might be the closest comparison. BlueWillow is definitely trained more heavily on digital art and illustrative styles, with photorealism still lagging behind. Ultimately, I think its acquisition by LimeWire might come to change that in the near future. Afterall, V5 is coming, so I’m eager to see what new features and improvements BlueWillow will have in store for us.

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